Monday, July 26, 2010

Everlasting Love

The word love can mean so many things. It can be demonstrated in almost every situation in life. It can be in the eyes of your child, it can be in the arms of your spouse , or parent. It can also be in the greeting of a friend you may have not seen for many years. No matter how it presents itself, it is there regardless, you just have to look for it.

Some people are so blind to it, and yet others can see it coming from miles away. It is not just present in people, it is also present in a garden, or a piece of jewelry, of a cup of coffee you prepare for someone else. Doing things for others is not just a favor, it is a act of love, no matter how grand or minuscule. I find it interesting that love is present in all things regardless of the circumstances, and that we always have the choice to choose love instead of something else entirely. But at the same time this presents a tough question in my mind.

Why do people have such a hard time figuring out their purpose in life? They ask themselves why they are here, why the have to endure such hard times, what happens if they dont believe in God or a higher being, what is death - is it the end or the beginning?

If amazing that people have such a hard time answering these questions when the answer is clearly right in front of us.

It's the purpose, it's the meaning, it's what is happening, and what it going to happen. It is birth, life, and it is even present in death.

Once I figured this out, the rest just fell into place. I wish the world could catch on already!