Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday already? Really?

Here I am, I said I would write today, and I am actaully keeping my word!
Even though I really have nothing to say.... lol.

Tonight I am going to The Living Christmas Tree. I am very excited about it. I know it is going to be beautiful. Wish I has a certain someone to go with me, but patience will be greatly rewarded. I am sure of that.

But before tonight, there is a lot to be done. Cleaning, Laundry, Roommate moving in. Oh boy!
Its definately not going to be a restful day.

Oh there is one thing, I have noticed that I am starting to think about God a little more everyday. I talk to Him more, I think about my actions more. I think I am finally starting to go somewhere with this. Good right?

I will elaborate more, but for now I am late for breakfast with my mom. I am going ot drink unsweet tea and eat fruit. I AM!

until later....